'CAVE       Ab''t      P'st Exh'b't''ns     C'nt'ct


rebecca gilbert, kylie lockwood



Cave is pleased to present Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood. This two person exhibition of recent works is installed on and along a continuous wall mounted shelf. In their respective studios, both artists use the shelf as a placeholder for pedestals and plinths, arranging art alongside tools, materials and ephemera. The shelf collects piles and it keeps things in plain sight.  It is a straight line that creates a sequence and places objects in time, like the words of a sentence.  

Opening reception is on Saturday September 7th from 6pm to 9pm


The Russell Industrial Center, 1600 Clay St, Detroit, MI 48211

Building Four - Third Floor

The exhibition will run from 9/7 - 9/21/13. Hours of operation are by appointment only.

For inquiries please contact info@cavedetroit.com



the show will consist of drawings, objects, sculptures and photos

Contents on a shelf

Fastened horizontally

at a distance from the floor


Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood

Rebecca Gilbert + Kylie Lockwood






rebecca gilbert kylie lockwood

































































































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